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Fine art gifts for the home made by a good-natured artist.

29 Feb '16

RIGHT-BRAIN, LEFT-BRAIN - Who's in charge?

Posted by Patti Clancy

right-brain-at-workWHAT'S GOING ON HERE? 

When I started this business, I was an artist creating a body of work. That morphed into branding, building a website, and the horror of having to learn how to use social media! 



Now my daily activities include writing, posting, blogging, editing, taking photos, making videos, emailing, filing, documenting, making spreadsheets, installing software, and creating 800 new passwords! 

Am I complaining?   Maybe.   A little.

Am I secretly glad to be learning about all the stuff mentioned above?

Yes definitely!  Because doing business is an art form in and of itself. My left-brain loves doing battle with the above-mentioned challenges just as much as my right-brain loves being in the 'zone' when I'm painting & creating products. 

That being said, my goal this year is to get a handle on the business end of things so I can have more time to create new work. As the year progresses, I'll be paying attention to the rhythms and cycles of my art business, which in turn, will help me figure out when to create, when to market, and when to sell. Simple enough. HA!

Now, excuse me while I create a couple of eye-catching photos for this blog!




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